(Monday musings)
But I wonder if Paul is really the best guide for the ‘average’ Christian to be urged to follow when it comes to delivering the message of the gospel. Paul was a single man with (as far as we know) no dependents. His occupation (making tents) could be carried out anywhere. His Roman citizenship gave him the right to go anywhere in the Roman Empire, and to some extent provided him protection. He was free to travel from place to place.
As a former Pharisee, Paul had a well-respected theological education and the skills to expertly interpret scripture. He was trained to lead, teach and write.
More importantly, as an Apostle, Paul had a very specific calling to be an evangelist which followed his dramatic conversion on the Damascus road. Clearly he was well equipped for the role, or perhaps we should say, the Lord had wonderfully prepared him for it.
The problem with Paul being held up as an example is that few of us can identify closely with him. We may have families. We have jobs that may not easily be transferred from place to place. Our theological education is limited (though we can certainly always learn more.) We may not have leadership skills, speaking skills, or the ability to teach. And most of us have not received a clear calling to be evangelists. We are all called to be witnesses of what we have seen and heard and know of the Lord Jesus.
The risk is that, in comparing ourselves with Paul, we feel inadequate for the task we think we’re called to do and give up. What we really need to know is what Paul had to say to the Christians he was writing to about how they were to go about being witnesses to Christ. He didn't ask them all to join him in his travels. What did he tell them to do? What were they to say to the people around them? How were they to demonstrate the good news of the gospel to their neighbours? The answers to these questions, rather than Paul himself, are where we will find our guide to being witnesses.
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